Cloud and DevOps

Integrating the cloud and incorporating a DevOps methodology are staples of modern software development. If the code is the brains of the system, then the cloud is the skeleton, muscles and tendons and the DevOps methodology is the collection of neural pathways that connect and orchestrate the movement of the entire system. Each element of the ecosystem augments and is deeply linked to the others.
COMPanies who trust The Virtual Forge with their cloud and devops

Making the difference

The cloud and DevOps have revolutionised the world of software development. The cloud provides scalable, responsive and flexible infrastructure, enabling solutions to be deployed and scaled with ease.

DevOps, on the other hand, brings together different but related disciplines, fostering integration, automation, and continuous delivery. This intertwined approach improves efficiency, accelerates testing and iteration to foster a focus on quality.

With the cloud's on-demand resources and DevOps' practices, they form a dynamic combination, fuelling innovation and driving digital transformation in the modern era.


In the ever-changing world of technology, staying ahead of the game goes beyond developing state-of-the-art software. It necessitates a holistic approach that seamlessly integrates development and operations across the entire lifecycle. This is where our DevOps team excels.

Cloud Services

Moving to the cloud, or optimising your use of the cloud, can bring enormous benefits to your business. The Virtual Forge's experienced cloud consultants can advise you on which cloud, services and architecture is likely to return the best results based on your parameters (cost, deadline, availability of resources).

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Consulting Services

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is an holistic business management solution. It dynamically combines the convenience of Office 365, the insightful business intelligence of Power Platform and the cloud services of Azure to create a powerful application that enables businesses to work smarter.

Case studies

Customers of varying scales and industries consistently rely on The Virtual Forge’s data-driven custom software solutions to expand their businesses. Find out more about how this works in practice, and have a look at some of our case studies, covering a diverse range of projects. We are proud of our work, and you can now see why.

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Dubai South

Web and mobile site created for 'The City of You'

Developing a web and mobile site that would match a city vision through a personalised digital experience.

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Using AWS to manage and deliver a global LMS

Delivering content to thousands of users, simultaneously, all over the globe.

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An innovative platform to automate regulation and governance

Experienced senior managers from the Financial and Investment Banking industries identified a glaring gap for an automated system for governance and compliance management.

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